Happy February everyone! It's been a long time since you've heard from us, and we apologize for the quiet around here.
Ever since PAX back in late October, we've been hard at work addressing the feedback and reworking elements of the game to better suit the first-person perspective and the fantasy setting. While we can't go into detail on exactly what these changes are just yet, we're excited to get back to work on making Harvest Hands the best it can be.
Last week we moved our office space and welcomed a new member to the team! Julian will be filling in the role of designer and will be helping the team produce content for the game and designing our reworked mechanics. Julian has been a great addition to the team already and has contributed some exciting new ideas.
This week marks the start of fortnightly (hopefully weekly) updates coming out from the team, these will range from straight ol' development updates to studio happenings and the such. These will be separate from our paid Patreon updates, however, development related updates will also be posted there, so if you're more interested in strictly Harvest Hands related content, follow us on Patreon or our social media.
We're very excited to this upcoming year, and there's tons of exciting developments we'll be sharing as development continues! Keep up to date on our Facebook, Twitter and IndieDB. Support us on Patreon for awesome rewards and behind the scenes access.